Just me...

Sunday, May 25, 2014


So today, I have been inspired to start a new.
It was a rough few years, I literally lost myself.  Everything was this fog, wanting and losing my self all at the same time.  Wanting for things to get better... Wanting for change and finally giving in to what is... What was.  I did try telling myself to change, reach out.... Break down... Break through... Start being present... Start finding the good.... Start finding the can do.  It took a lot, still find myself in that place occasionally.  It took something so small to turn my life around..... Someone who believed in me, someone who really took the time to tell me I could be more.... She believed in me, picked me up, made me see more..... Only now I can see it.... Only now can I really believe that is what happened.
With that, she gave me the courage to let go and let GOD!
I still feel a little uncomfortable talking about my faith.  I feel like its taboo to believe in this miracle of faith.  What I can say is that I AM a believer in GOD, in the miracles of blessings... A true believer in faith.  Yes, I believe in the greater powers.... To some it is the universe... Some believ in saints and the Gods, spiritual GODS.... To some there is none mad to some there is only one type of god.   Whatever you believe ...What I can say, faith is just believing in something that is greater than yourself ... Something to help guide you.  We all need something.
I need this something right now and will need it tomorrow and the next day and the next and so on.
Today.... I know that my faith will guide me, make me stronger, help me love more, help me worry less and lead me to greatness!
Here is to the something new tomorrow.... Here is to believing that miracles and blessings are coming my way!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

finding the time

Finding the time to get it all done doesn't seem so impossible....however, I never have enough time to get it all done. Who does? Can they share the secret with me?
All I have to do is Breathe, just breathe!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


They are so easy to forgive...they let you love completely, they let you give your heart completely...they love you completely...even when school mornings get a little crazy! I will always love them completely!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Teenager at Five...

Right now I have a teenager at five...I don't know what to do with her. Is this a life lesson early? Am I being set-up for our future? I hope we get over this part soon....I miss her sweet little giggle...her sweet smile...I miss her. I know she is still in there, it was a rough week last week. I think we will hopefully get over this hill...after a rough morning of crying and yelling....she walks out the door and looks back at me and shouts..."I LOVE YOU!"...and my heart melts. Little moments come and go...but there are those few that you will never forget!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


My two have been as busy as bees.  Baseball camp, Soccer camp, Swim lesson, Dance class and just about anything else I can fit in.  I love watching them soak it all up....I love that they are challenged everyday with something new, fun and exciting.  However, I never thought I would be the one that is exhausted.  I have had a blast...but is summertime over yet?  

I need a nap!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

No day like today

So, today is just one of those days where you just have to be grateful.  
Today I am blessed, my husband is one lucky guy to still have work, my son "my own Chicken Little" hit a home run, Seanie turned a great project in we all worked on...and my daughter just made my morning with three little words.  
These things, yes, little as they may be...will never be passe'...will never dimish the joy and love we have.  Things around will change constantly...but these moments...make other moments...that aren't so pleasent...seem not so bad.
There just isn't any other day..like today.  

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

that little moment

There is always this moment in the wee hours of the morning when the air becomes very still.  The moon illuminates my room and I lay there with bated breath... waiting for the silence to break. The air is so still that the only thing I hear is the beating of my heart, it is eerie and exciting all at the same time.  I lay there...waiting for silence to be broken, and when it does come, I am somehow sad....I know that the day must begin, that the moment must move on...and my brain starts rushing...waiting for that single little silent moment again.  I take it all in...then the dog licks my face...now I know I am awake.